Saturday, June 29, 2019

Living in a construction zone

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
It is summertime! Time when many people head out on a road trip or two. But it's also road construction time. Some roads offer detours. Some, like on a highway, do not. You can complain while you are sitting there inching along or make the best of it as best you can. But once you're in the midst of it, one thing is for certain. You will have to go through. My GPS has assured me "I'm still on the fastest route."

How much like life that is! In this world we will have troubles (John 16:33 ).

I'm sure through the making of certain choices, we are able to avoid some of them altogether. While other circumstances offer some sort of detour, redirection, second chance - that may feel longer, take more time and more out of the way. Different. Unfamiliar. Yet it still feels like we're moving and in control. But we all have faced the challenge of having to go through a difficult situation. Perhaps you're in one now. A lot of stop and go. A lot of things on every side trying to merge into a tight space. Time is passing and there are better things to do besides just sitting. Trapped. Are you feeling it?

And like being caught in the construction zone on the highway, you can be upset about it... or make the best of the situation you find yourself in. But with Jesus as your "GPS", you can be assured "this is the way through". The Lord will see you through anything. Listen to Him.

Where you go, I will go and where you stay, I will stay. (from Ruth 1:16)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Today it's me AND Jesus

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
I can no longer afford to forge ahead on my own. Only to call on Him when things have gone amuck and my shortsightedness has led to less than ideal outcomes. I will live out this day with Jesus, my constant Friend and Companion. Walking and talking our way through whatever comes our way. "We" will pray/connect through everything on "our" agenda. We will discuss and share thoughts and considerations.

I will stay connected to You, Lord. May I learn how to live out each day with You alongside. Going where You go. Staying where You stay. Grant me energy, a willing spirit and a mindfulness needed to love and adore You. To somehow be conscious of You. Thank You, Jesus. Seriously, flow through me. Be me, or I should say, I - you. 

Open my eyes all day long to Your beauty. Open my ears all day long to Your sweet, loving encouraging voice. Open my mouth all day long, that those same sweet, loving, encouraging words be passed along.

Yes. It's gonna be a me and Jesus day.
To the glory and pleasure of the Father.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Don't let Satan pffft it out

© 2012 Julie Crane All rights reserved
My prayer list to God continues to grow. Some people have been on there a long time. And the concerns most recently have been dire straits ones. So many that I've sometimes bundled my prayers into sections: Lord, these are all the friends I have battling cancer... Lord, these are all the friends I have needing jobs... Lord, these are all the people I know in strained relationships...

Not to mention anything and everything that's on the evening news...

But with every prayer, whether in general or detailed and specific - I want you to see my shaky little index finger rise up and point to the sky.

Light is our hope.
Light in the darkness.
Light in the fear. The tiredness. The don't-know-what-to-do.
Light in the believer's heart who can't quite believe the impossible is possible.

Don't let Satan pffft it out.

The little child in and out of the hospital suffering intense cancer treatment pain.
Don't let Satan pffft the light of hope out.
Don't let Satan dissuade us from the hope God gives and extends in and through us.

See my shaky index finger pointing to the sky.

For everyone still needing good, steady employment.
For everyone battling an addiction.
For every young couple longing to create a family but can't.
And every strained relationship.

I'm still gonna let it shine.
I will not let the light of Christ be dimmed.
Despite all of this.
I won't let Satan pffft it out.
