Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Could it be true?

It was one of those passages in the Bible that I’ve read a hundred times. But today it leaped off the page. So intense. So profound. Perhaps it was the red letting that made it so.

“Father, forgive these people,” Jesus said, “for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 TLB)

Jesus Himself prayed this. Jesus asked the Father for this. Surely, a prayer request from God’s own Son - would be answered. Right? There would be no need for “hope it gets answered”. We are told in James 5:16 that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. And we believe Jesus is the Righteous One. So, it goes without saying… Jesus’ request would get answered. Could it be true? They would truly be forgiven?

And we are told in the scriptures that Jesus intercedes for us - is praying for us. Constantly. Daily. (John 17:20) Again, if Jesus Himself asks the Father on our behalf… can we believe without a doubt?

And yet another passage.

And Jesus replied, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise. This is a solemn promise.”  (Luke 23:43 TLB)

Jesus makes a promise to the criminal hanging next to Him. A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will indeed happen.

Could it be true?

God’s Word to us is:

  • forgiveness of all our sins
  • a steadfast love that never shifts or changes
  • and Jesus saves

Are you, like me, seeing this in a different light now? Can we live in these promises, these truths - with the greatest of assurance?

Because of Jesus’ intercession for us in His prayers - His asking…

Pause for a moment and think on this. And thank God for this.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

God’s unfailing love


Just come as you are. (Lord, I’m feeling fat, lazy, tired, insufficient, sinful - all that and more)

Come to Me and you will find rest for your weary, overanxious, overthinking soul.

You are not all of that in My eyes.
I see and know your heart.
You are so precious to Me.
I adore the things you do in My Name.
I am deeply touched by them.
I love when you shine.
And all the burdens take a backseat.
Don’t be afraid to shine when the moment comes.
I promise to equip you.
Keep pausing, keep reflecting, keep seeing My love for you.
See that it’s a daily, continuous flow.
Blessing done in My love for you.
Look around. Just look!
And capture as many as you can.
Signs of My love and care are all around.
I hope you smile…

All that heaviness is not from Me.
Beautiful rhythms are My way of walking, talking - living.
Sure and steady are much easier.
Be assured of My fulfilling.
King of the universe.
Lord of all creation.
Son of God.
Beautiful, awesome Savior.
Present - now and for all time.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Rejoice, be glad and sing!

Here I am, Lord.

I thank You for Your constant, loving presence. I love You for loving me and caring about me. I love You for granting me access to Your wisdom and Your strength. I love You for Your every day blessings and miracles - seen and unseen. I love You for carrying me through challenging times. I love You for the comfort and peace and rest You offer. I love You for being almighty and sovereign. I love You for knowing what’s up ahead. I love You for Jesus and saving my soul and preparing a place for me in heaven. I love You for rescuing me. I love You for using me for kingdom purposes. I love You for the healings and the helpings and the endurance in trust and belief when needed.  I love You for all the providing, equipping, protecting, and safekeeping. I love You for being the light in dark places. I love You for the joys, enjoyment, pleasures, and delights You have poured into this life of mine. I love You for Your Word and Your teachings. I love You for a heart and mind that remembers You and all You have done and all that You are. I love You for the people You have brought into my life. I love You for provision at every turn. I love You for loving others through me. I love You for prayer and worship and praise music. I love You when things go wrong and the knowledge that You will make things right. I love You for intercessory prayers - for me and through me. I love you in these quiet, open-ended prayer moments. Lord God, I love You in endless and countless ways.

Your eye is on the sparrow and I know You watch over me.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14 KJV)


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

“Care and concerned” variety pack

 12 care and concerned variety notecard pack. $10.00

(Click on photo to enlarge)

FREE list of suggested messages.

FREE shipping.

Be ready when opportunity to love and support arises. 


12 cards.. $10.00

FREE list of birthday messages.

And there’s still time to use a FALL THEME VARIETY PACK!

12 cards. $10.00

FREE list of caring messages.

Still time to thank people for being in your life as the season of Thanksgiving approaches.

Email me to place an order today!

Visit the card shop for more designs!

Click on the link below:

Monday, October 7, 2024

So “unworldly”

Recent weather events had many doing the unusual. While my area did not suffer from much flooding, we did have so many trees down and power lines down - for miles and miles - spreading as far as county to county. For days we could not readily get to gas or food supplies.

The neighbors we previously just waved to when driving by? They let us plug our phones into their generator. When others had phones that weren’t working - we walked down with the updates we received on ours. Restaurants GAVE AWAY meat instead of letting it all spoil. People pulled their grills out by the road so anyone with meat could cook it up instead of spoiling in the fridge. Neighbors shared their stash of gasoline with one another, instead of hoarding it all for themselves. Responses so unlike the worldly version of “self first”. People on our street we barely knew, we are now on a first name basis, as we all shared information and checked on each other for any needs to be met. 

And before the storm? We accidentally bought three boxes of protein bars at Costco. Thinking it will take a month of Sundays for us to eat all those. But they became a main source of nourishment for a few days of no electricity. Before the storm, I purchased over $200 of bible study books and got paid back in cash. What were we going to do with all this cash in the house? Well, the few stores that were operating would only accept cash. So we were able to purchase a few things to supplement our food supply while the power was still down.

God’s providence?

You bet.

i pray you don’t need a traumatic event to realize the hand of God moving in your life. I pray you aren’t afraid to lend a helping hand of your own, to check in on people, neighbor, friends… on ordinary days. I pray you aren’t hesitant to share. Believe in God’s provision and supply in every kind of circumstance. Both for you and through you.

May God’s “unworldly” kind of love be evident to all. In you and through you and for you.

My pastor nailed it on Sunday morning saying, “We may not have electricity here,  but we are full of power!” Amen!

Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship - a different kind of “sacrifice” - that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets. (Hebrews 13:16 MSG)