Jesus Himself prayed this. Jesus asked the Father for this. Surely, a prayer request from God’s own Son - would be answered. Right? There would be no need for “hope it gets answered”. We are told in James 5:16 that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. And we believe Jesus is the Righteous One. So, it goes without saying… Jesus’ request would get answered. Could it be true? They would truly be forgiven?
And we are told in the scriptures that Jesus intercedes for us - is praying for us. Constantly. Daily. (John 17:20) Again, if Jesus Himself asks the Father on our behalf… can we believe without a doubt?
And yet another passage.
And Jesus replied, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise. This is a solemn promise.” (Luke 23:43 TLB)
Jesus makes a promise to the criminal hanging next to Him. A promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will indeed happen.
Could it be true?
God’s Word to us is:
- forgiveness of all our sins
- a steadfast love that never shifts or changes
- and Jesus saves
Are you, like me, seeing this in a different light now? Can we live in these promises, these truths - with the greatest of assurance?
Because of Jesus’ intercession for us in His prayers - His asking…
Pause for a moment and think on this. And thank God for this.