Thursday, January 25, 2024

On Being Strong

 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God… (Ephesians 6:10-11)

This passage goes on to describe all the things needed for the full armor of God. And frankly, I get overwhelmed. I need all of it, it seems, to beat back the devil and his tempting schemes. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, AND God’s very Word. How can I possibly grasp all of that?

So this morning I tried to break it down.

Study to know God’s truths. Engrave them, embed them, embrace them so you can recognize them from a lie. Know and remember His promises.

Be in step with the Lord at all times. Listen and obey as Jesus always did. Do what’s good and right as He is known to do. Pray to reflect His good character.

Claim the peace that passes understanding - in every situation. Steadfast calmness. Because you know the sovereignty of the Lord. His almighty power and authority. His faithfulness.

As a believer, know that you are saved and belong to God for all eternity. Now, today and forevermore. And nothing can take that away.

Be steadfast and unmoving when it comes to faith and hope in the Lord. God’s Word brings assurance of all these things mentioned above. Keep the Word close.

These are all good, reassuring, empowering, protecting, confidence-in-Christ building thoughts. They strengthen me. They embolden me to not be fearful.

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. (James 4:7-8)

So, I invite you. 

Come near.

Lord, I do desire Your protection from the evil one and his wily ways. Keep me believing, firm and strong, in Your Word, Your promises, and Your love. Leave me not thirsty for Your Word and an understanding of it. May I know it and fight back with it. Every time the tempter comes.

Take my hand, Lord… and don’t let go.

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Monday, January 22, 2024

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Worried? Yes!

 What if… worries were just being watchful for the blessing that is to come? Watching and waiting for the Lord regarding something specific.

And not a sign of lack of faith or trust in Him. Not of sign of fear of God’s absence or disinterest.

What if worry was an alertness to the anticipation of God taking care of something?

My husband will be traveling for an extended weekend soon. Lots of plans and coordinating to be made. Connections to orchestrate. And lots of places where things might not go exactly as planned. Juggling the options of a Plan B. And safety issues. Plenty of unknowns. Makes it easy to overthink. Overfret.

We know things don’t always go smoothly, even with our best efforts at anticipating and planning. Especially when traveling and trying to make numerous arrangements connect.

My old self wants to itemize (and yes, pray with wringing hands) every possible scenario that might lead to a setback and disrupt the flow of a safe and enjoyable trip. But “I am doing a new thing,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 43:18)

So, so will I.

I will see every worry as an opportunity to see the Lord in action. I will watch and wait and see His faithful love and care.

As in Psalm 27:13 -

I remain confident in this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I will watch for Your loving grace, Lord.

I watch for Your loving grace.

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