Wednesday, October 12, 2022



Many of us have experienced it. A bible verse you have read a hundred times suddenly comes alive with new clarity and understanding. Or a well-known biblical concept jumps off the page of your daily devotional. It happened to me just the other day.

The writer was sharing about Old Testament burnt offerings. Done every morning and every night. Every day and every night. By the priest. And I remembered that it was for the atonement of sins. But the writer went a step further and said it was also to serve as holy worship. Worship... God-honoring. Revering. And it made me pause. Because, yes, I do pray to God. I do ask and give thanks. I sing praise songs. And I try to do things that please Him. But the idea of stopping and dropping everything - and taking a moment to just honor the Lord for Who He is - without the asking. Without even the thanking. 

So this morning I took the pause. When the house got quiet, I lit a candle. I looked into the flame. And I said,  "God, You are important to me." No asking. No pleading. No concerns. Not this time. Not in this moment. Just, "God, You are important to me. I stop and drop everything in this moment. To honor You."

HONOR - to regard with great respect

EXALT - to hold someone in very high regard; to think very highly of

REVERE - to feel deep respect or admiration for

I didn't stay long with my candle. I just tried to breathe and stick with my chosen train of thought. 

I wonder what would happen if I chose to add this one simple little God-honoring moment to my mornings. And to my late afternoons. "God, You are important to me."

I believe I want to find out...

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Drumroll! Christmas 2022 cards now available!

 It's Christmas time! It's Christmas time!

Mix! Match! Create!

Your own pack

Something for everyone

on your list

Short message suggestions

included with every order

I know! Too cute for words!

What to pick??

Lots of variety to choose from.

Click the link below to find

the catalog and ordering information.

(A reminder: 12 for $10 for those of you

who can arrange for pick up)



Love comes down

 So many of us want that mountaintop experience... and to stay there. Because that's where we feel God is closest. And we feel the safest and most loved and secure. Maybe that's because we picture God being up high somewhere instead of always down here by us. Yes, we certainly want to be "up where God is" - where it's comfortable and everything is good and feels good and feels close to God.

You would think God would want to stay "up there" too. Up with the heavenly hosts. Where everything is good and perfect and beautiful. But in His great mercy and love, He is not only "up there". God comes down. He comes down to where we are. Curled up in a ball on our bed. In deep waters of confusion, frustration... despair. All those dark, scary places. There you will find God too. He is not only found on the mountaintops. He is not only found in the heavenly realms. God comes down to be with us - wherever we are. 

We find this truth in Philippians 2:6 -

Who, being in the very nature of God, He chose not to cling to equality with God...

Jesus did not stay in the heavens. He humbled Himself and came down. For us.

And there is a song that is also a good reminder:

Come ye weary heavy laden

Bruised and mangled by the Fall

If you tarry till you're better

You will never come at all

God is with you - whether curled up in the fetal position, unmoving from the recliner, and under a blanket.  All messy. God is right there loving you. God will not leave you alone. No matter how deep your mess feels. So don't wait to seek the Lord. Don't wait for a mountaintop experience to feel God's presence. He is everywhere - all the time. 

Know and accept this truth. Wherever you are today.

Side note: Christmas card designs and Christmas messages being released October 6!