I have to look back over the past few weeks, even months, to remember this.
Forever God is faithful.
Forever God is strong.
Forever God is with us. Forever. Forever.
Looking back over the past year, all the worries and concerns I've had - and in that moment, they seemed so stressful and unmanageable. But here I am today with a cup of coffee and sunshine streaming through the window. And able to thank God for those miraculous fixes. Thanking God He got things resolved. Many things that have been long forgotten. And so today as I look at my prayer list and my concerns for this day, it is with blessed assurance in knowing that God keeps working things out. I know He knows the way - God always knows the way. And tomorrow, when I have new and different worries (or picking up the old ones), God will be there again.
So that's my mantra: God keeps working things out.
"My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working." (John 5:17)
God never tires, slumbers or sleeps. God doesn't give up. He doesn't turn His back. He doesn't get anxious because He knows the perfect solution. He is always steadily moving forward. To this very day. For our good. It seems for however many problems I can dream up, God has an answer. Eventually. But even in the waiting, God sends little bright spots and shimmering sparkles along the way. Catch them if you can. Troubles come. But with God, troubles go. There is resolution in His heart and hands. He will make the rough path smooth. He will. Ya just gotta let Him do it.