Thursday, February 25, 2021

It's Greek to me... at first

Seems like I'm using so many knitting references lately. But we're in a pandemic, so I'm home knitting a lot. And as the old song says, " He speaks to me everywhere."

A first look at the pattern/chart shown here and you can agree how daunting it all looks. It's only in reading and re-reading, breaking it down, paying close attention, studying and attempting - that it becomes understandable. Doable.

Reading something once doesn't always impart full and complete knowledge or understanding. Some patterns are easier than others. Some patterns can be tricky but with some repetition, can be memorized. Some are even more complex and turning again and again to the printed instruction becomes a necessity (I thought I remembered... but I didn't!) . It also doesn't hurt to throw out a plea: "Please, don't make me rip this section out yet again and start over!"

There are often times when I don't understand a bible passage either. Not the first time around. It helps to break it down. It helps to read different translations*. It helps to look into study guides and commentaries*. And to talk to others you know who also read and are trying to glean something from the bible. And to pray for enlightenment!

But sticking with it promises amazing results:

Great satisfaction. Rewarding. Something that will last and certainly keep you comforted and warm when you feel cold.

Do you sometimes struggle with understanding the bible too? Don't give up. Taking the steps I mentioned made me a better knitter. A more adventurous knitter; excited to see what more I can learn, know and apply to future endeavors.

Are you ready for your next "a-ha", lightbulb moment? Become a "knitter" and start putting the time, parts, and pieces of a bible study together. 

I'm praying God will reveal more of Himself to you as you seek to know Him more. And expect some amazing results!

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better return than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18) 

And we know that the Son of God has made our understanding come alive so that we can know by experience the One Who is true. And we are in Him Who is true, God's Son, Jesus Christ - the true God and eternal life! (1 John 5:20)

biblegateway for other translations
biblegateway for the Matthew Henry commentary 
youtube - look up the bible project for great explanations 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Litter box prayers

© 2021 Julie Crane All rights reserved

 Now hang with me.

I promise there is a message of hope by the end of this post.

I'm in my morning chair with my morning coffee and my morning devotional. As I get ready to start prayer journaling, I see my cat heading over to the litter box. Not big news - unless she decided three weeks ago to not use the litter box but to poop near it instead. (*) So the first prayer in my journal was: "Lord, make her poop in the box." Then I went on to other prayer-like thoughts, which somehow evolved into baring my soul about some deep emotional issue I've been trying to ignore. I poured my heart out to God (Psalm 6:28) wondering if there would ever be a real resolution to what I perceived as a longstanding, unanswered prayer problem. As words like faith, hope, trust and believe rose up in my mind, so did the scratch, scratch sound of litter being pawed to cover its intended purpose.

And immediately this passage came to mind:

Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say "Get up, take up your mat and walk'? (Mark 2:9)

Which is easier - Jesus asks - in red ink.

Forgive you your sins?

Make a paralyzed man walk?

Return a cat to the litter box?

Heal your impossible need?

As He says which is easier, isn't He also saying, "Is one of these harder, more difficult, even impossible for Me?" You know the answer. You've quoted it to others many a time: Matthew 19:26... with God all things are possible. 

Are you thinking you have something so minor that God won't want to be bothered? You are wrong.

Do you think God handles other peoples "more important" problems but doesn't have the time or energy to spend on the unending prayer request you've been struggling with? Of course not. Or do you have something too stinking ugly - even for God? Something you just want to bury? Wrong and wrong again.

When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen (Isaiah 60:22). And while you're wondering about His "when", you need to look for His "why".

Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say "Get up, take up your mat and walk'? (Mark 2:9)

"But I want you to know...

... that the Son of Man has authority... (Mark 2:10)

The God of all wisdom and strength, the God of all love and concern, THAT God - is your God. He wants you to wait, to watch, and to know.

I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him" (Lamentations 3:24) Portion means enough. The Lord is enough, sufficient, and all I need. Even in the waiting.

What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which He revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. (John 2:11)

When He heard this, Jesus said, "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." (John 11:4)

Then Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" (John 11:40)

Whatever it is - pray about it. And may you also see the glory of God, as you put your hope in Him.

(*) Yes, she was taken to the vet and checked out just fine. Appears she was constipated and related the discomfort of that to the litter box. She is fine now.

Monday, February 15, 2021


  Anytime is a good time to send some love. There's dogs, and cats and gnomes - oh my! Please consider these fun, happy, pretty notecards to keep on hand. Ordering instructions can be found off to the right of this post under NOTECARDS. Thank you!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Pass the relish, please

Gulping hot coffee.
Inhaling a couple bites of toast.
A quick, one-page read of a devotional while brushing your teeth.
Grabbing an armload and running to the car.
Merging and weaving in and out of traffic while the latest news yammers in the background during your phone call.
Arriving, hurrying, multitasking, departing as fast as you can.
Throwing dinner together.
Prepping as much as possible for the next day.
Collapsing into bed.

A whiff of fresh brewed coffee.
The cup warming your hands.
Noticing the reflection of light on its surface.
And... that... first... sip.
Toast  with grandma's jam, sunny yellow eggs and a sweet orange cut-up and all on a pretty plate.
A bite. And a chew. And a look out the kitchen window.
Tasting. Seeing.
Opening your bible. Reading a section. Twice. Jotting down a note or two. Sitting. Thinking. Praying. Wondering... what of this does God want me to take into this day?
Gathering up what is needed. Opening the door. Breathing in the fresh air. Admiring the blue sky and the tree limbs reaching up.
Enjoying the view out the car window. Waving to a friend walking the dog. 
Going with the flow. Uplifting music making you dance in your head. Fingers tapping the steering wheel.
Arriving safe and sound. Greeting others with a nod and a smile. Knowing there is time and ability to complete the task before you. The uplifting music from the car radio still humming through your mind.
A sip of wine as meat browns in the pan. The crisp sound of vegetables being chopped up. Rice steaming to perfection. Sitting down. Saying grace. Holding hands. Light conversation. Lingering over dessert.
Counting the blessings of the day. Stretching out beneath cool sheets. Happy in God's provision. Resting in His promised presence and protection through the night.

Everybody loves different things on their hot dog. Some mustard. Some catsup. Onions. Even chili and cheese. And yes, hot dog relish. You get to choose. Choose how you will enjoy, make the most, of your hot dog.

And you.
How will you choose to relish this day?