Monday, October 19, 2015

A child for all seasons

 And He said, “Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children … (Matthew 18:3)


Oh, the wonderful memories I have of childhood Halloweens. Dressing in costume (the wearing of something totally unlike my real self); and wandering the dark streets of my neighborhood under the watchful eyes and protection of my mom and big sister. And getting candy, candy – CANDY! That’s what Halloween is all about for little children. Don’t ruin it for this new generation by making it out to be about the devil and other horrors. For all our children, don’t we want them to be playful innocents as long as they can? Together we can do just that and overpower any darkness with pure, sweet thoughts of costume and candy. And relive the childlike joy ourselves.


Next month, we are attending a murder mystery dinner. I’ve heard several people groan about the “need” to dress up in formal / cocktail attire. Where is your playfulness and childlikeness? There are so few opportunities, especially as adults, to dress up. I want to wear that sequin dress – I mean, how cool is that? Who told us it had to be in some competition and we always have to behave so very grown up all the time? I found a cute little black sequined number at a local consignment shop - $22.00 - and I plan on having some childlike fun! And kick up my heels!


And I hope, I hope, someone will host an ugly-Christmas sweater party! What a goofy, silly, let your hair down, stop-being-so-uptight affair. So many opportunities to not be so serious all the time. Everything has its time and place. And above all, God calls us to be like little children. Above all, we are children of God. Let’s start acting like it.






Saturday, October 17, 2015

I've come to my senses

Taste and see that the Lord is good … (Psalm 34:8)


Have you been there? A place in life where you rush from one same ol’ thing to the next. Monday through Friday routine of have-to’s, duty and well-established ruts. Or maybe your life has gotten soooo settled, there just doesn’t seem to be much “life” in it at all. Ho-hum existence day after day, with an occasional “high” moment.


Maybe it’s time for you to taste and see … and smell and feel and hear. Time to savor. Bring the ordinary times up a notch. Instead of jumping in and out of the shower: feel the warmth of the water running down your neck and back. Take a full moment to really enjoy that sensation. Watch the droplets fall from the ends of your fingers. Smell the fragrance of your soap - refreshing. Swish a little water around in your mouth - clean. Hear yourself hum a happy tune as you become refreshed and revitalized.


Imagine all the pleasure you could get out of every area of life if you would just apply this simple practice. Taste. See. Smell. Feel. Hear. Your life to its fullest.