Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Holy hugs


Then Jacob went on ahead. As he approached his brother he bowed low seven times before him. And then Esau ran to meet him and embraced him affectionately and kissed him; and both of them were in tears! (Genesis 33:3-4)

 Joseph jumped into his chariot and journeyed to Goshen to meet his father and they fell into each other’s arms and wept a long while. (Genesis 46:29)

David got up from the south side of the stone and bowed down before Jonathan three times, with his face to the ground. Then they kissed each other and wept together— (1 Samuel 20:41)

 So he got up and went to his father.“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

Old Testament. New Testament. And now?

Greet one another with a holy kiss. (2 Corinthians 13:12)

Greet all God’s people with a holy kiss. (1 Thessalonians 5:26)

I did some research. In the church’s early years, it was common practice during the worship service to greet one another with, yes, a kiss. It was a sign of relationship with one another. Not just talk about being the family of God, the holy kiss was a sign and a symbol of their love for each other. It was a holy kiss because they truly felt they were brothers and sisters in one big, loved and accepted family of God. The kiss held a deeper meaning - a sign of their unity in Christ.

I am sad that, because of worldly views, this kind of greeting has fallen to the wayside. But these kisses of greeting were also in conjunction with arms around each other. Holy hugs if you will. And I pray we are not afraid to extend that to one another. 

A warm greeting should imply that all are equally loved and accepted - not only by God - but by one other.

Let there be no division among us (1 Corinthians 1:10)

Holy hugs!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Those winter blues


(Tap photo to enlarge for better viewing )

Help someone beat the winter blues with one of these great, uplifting new designs! Sure to warm hearts and comfort chilled souls. Now is a good time to lift someone’s spirits. And you can! Suggested messages are now handier than ever. 

From the website page, you can find them here:

From your phone or other device, it may look like this: (just tap on the MOVE TO button)

These cards and more can be found in the card shop. I will include the link below:

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Words of hope

 I know, I know, all that space in a blank note card can be daunting! You want to express care and concern, but, wow… how?

Did you know you don’t have to fill up all the space? Take a look at the pre-printed cards in your local gift shop. You will often find just a line or two printed in the center.

Did you know that a plain card-shaped envelope tucked in with all the bills and advertisements actually stimulates a favorable emotional response? There is an immediate feeling of excitement, anticipation and surprise.

Just take a look at all these suggestions shown below and see for yourself - how good it feels to be lifted up with a line or two of hope and encouragement.

(Click on the picture to enlarge for better viewing)

It would take less than a minute to write one of these messages in a card. You can imagine the impact because you just felt it yourself by reading through them.

You have someone in mind…
You could change someone’s outlook to the day…
Act on it.

Need a card or two…? Check out my original artwork printed on blank notecards. They, too, will elicit positive vibes for someone. 


Saturday, December 28, 2024

Winding down

 He said before, “This is the time and place to rest,  to give rest to the weary. This is the place to lay down your burden. But they won’t listen.

(Isaiah 28:12)

Feel that pause? After all the hub-bub of the Christmas holiday, yes, I am ready to wind down. Ready for the period of "nothingness" that comes between the two holidays of Christmas and New Years. There seems to be a resting period. Plans get put on hold. Everyone seems to be waiting. Fresh starts begin - later. But for now ... we rest. We have this span of time where we don't have to start just yet. 

So take this pause. Just breathe for awhile. What could be done - has been done. You did the best you could at the time. A new year lies ahead, but we don't have to get it all planned out right this minute. A lot of life just comes at us and we live it out. Many a-time I have planned my days only to have something else come up - sometimes a friend needed a listening ear, last minute help over at the church, sometimes it was for spontaneous fun. 

We need times of rest. We are called by God to rest. We need time when we aren't in motion. Time to just sit and soak in the moment. Not evaluating. Not planning. Not anything. How often have you treated yourself to such luxury? You need downtimes. On a regular basis. It's not lazy. See it as reviving. See it as an important part of life's cycle. 

Take it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Turn your eyes upon Jesus


Thank you for supporting Intermissions for Hope with your readership. Thank you for turning your eyes away from the worldly for those few moments to reading a blog post - and accepting the invitation to hope in Jesus. And the love of God that is always present. Thank you for allowing me and my God-thoughts a place in your day as you grow in faith and love. 

I pray over each one of you by name. I pray you know your mustard seed faith is sufficient for each day. I pray you have a certain hope inside you that gives you a secret smile - because you know, you know the Lord is all about good endings. It’s just a matter of time before you see it, live it…

May you take an intermission, a real pause, from all the clamoring and expectations of the season and just rest before the manger. The One Who saves us has been born. We have hope and a future. Do not be afraid. God is with you. The peace of Christ be with you all. May you encounter it in your pause…

Friday, December 13, 2024

Capture the moment

There is hustle and bustle for many this time of year. A lot of fulfilling expectations of all that Christmas should be. But I urge you to not miss out on the little surprising moments God sends your way. The one moment that fills your whole chest with the reason of the season. It breaks through all the chaos in your head and lands hard in your heart. It stops you in your tracks and you know, you know, in that moment - you didn’t miss the true meaning of Christmas.

One year, my pastor husband created a Christmas Eve service outside at the life-size nativity out front of the church. On the Main Street. All in the village were invited to attend. It was dark and cold and I believe a little damp. There was music and readings of course. But what did it for me was the Christ candle at the foot of the manger. We all took our candle, entered into the crèche, stooped low before Jesus in the manger, and lit our candle there. Then we sang Silent Night - in the cold, crisp air. That moment, that sensation, is forever embedded in my heart. True Christmas spirit visited me…

And afterwards, as my husband often did, after everyone had gone, he went up into the church and programmed the bells to play Silent Night. And it rang out in a truly silent night… goosebumps. It surely settled me down from all the doings of the holiday to the being in the holiday.

The paper and ribbons and bows and bags, the goodies and treats, the decorations and special clothes and every kind of holiday cheer - while enjoyable - pale in comparison to the personal gift from God of alerting our senses to the deep, deep meaning of His love and His gift of a Savior for the world.

So I pray something catches you, something so deep and moving and undeniable, that Christ coming - for you - leaves you speechless. As these two moments in my walk have done for me.

Keep a sharp lookout! For you do not know when I will come, at evening, at midnight, early dawn or late daybreak. (Mark 13:35 TLB)

Tell My people, I, the Lord your God, am coming to save you and will bring you many gifts. (Isaiah 62:11 TLB)

When He was at the table with them, He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him… “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:31, 32 NIV)


Tuesday, December 10, 2024



Boxes of Christmas decorations. You know what’s inside? Handmade ornaments. Gifted decorations from dear friends. Artwork from children. Antique ornaments from my parent’s family tree. Each delicately wrapped up in tissue - because each piece is precious. Bringing warmth and love and cheer to my soul. Such anticipation at opening these boxes and embracing all that goodness…

But, what if I don’t open the boxes? What if I rely on memory? What if those memories have faded and don’t bring the explosive joy felt in previous times? You can’t imagine me having all of this, and not opening, caressing, remembering fondly, and displaying for all to see - all these triggers of joy…

God feels the same about the gifts He sends you. There they are - ready to be opened - and enjoyed. But do you? Or do distractions, guilt, depression or unworthiness or fill in the blank - cause you to not jump in with outstretched arms and receive all He offers. All that immeasurable love, joy that gladdens the spirit, comfort for aching hearts, rest for weary souls, healings of the past, promised help for the future - causing such irresistible smiling, and a warmth nothing on earth can replicate. Oh, and so much more! If only you would lift the lid and peek inside. What pleasures await the one who does! God, the Giver of good things - has good things for you! Treasures beyond measure for those who seek Him. Delights for your path as you await for Christ’s second coming…

Do not be afraid… do not resist… do not hesitate…

God has everlasting gifts for you in Christ Jesus. Not as the world gives…

Be open. And open all the Lord desires you to have and experience. Experiences of joy and gladness. And such thankfulness. Rejoice, and be glad! I say it again: Rejoice! Celebrate! Dive in! 

This is the time to be childlike. To gladly receive what the Father lovingly prepared for you. A Savior, yes! But also a trustworthy Friend to walk daily with you through every time and trial - and celebration too! Let the tissue paper fly with exuberance! Let Him know how much you love and appreciate His good gifts to you.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15) (precious beyond words) AMP

Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. (James 1:16 MSG)