Wednesday, October 9, 2024

“Care and concerned” variety pack

 12 care and concerned variety notecard pack. $10.00

(Click on photo to enlarge)

FREE list of suggested messages.

FREE shipping.

Be ready when opportunity to love and support arises. 


12 cards.. $10.00

FREE list of birthday messages.

And there’s still time to use a FALL THEME VARIETY PACK!

12 cards. $10.00

FREE list of caring messages.

Still time to thank people for being in your life as the season of Thanksgiving approaches.

Email me to place an order today!

Visit the card shop for more designs!

Click on the link below:

Monday, October 7, 2024

So “unworldly”

Recent weather events had many doing the unusual. While my area did not suffer from much flooding, we did have so many trees down and power lines down - for miles and miles - spreading as far as county to county. For days we could not readily get to gas or food supplies.

The neighbors we previously just waved to when driving by? They let us plug our phones into their generator. When others had phones that weren’t working - we walked down with the updates we received on ours. Restaurants GAVE AWAY meat instead of letting it all spoil. People pulled their grills out by the road so anyone with meat could cook it up instead of spoiling in the fridge. Neighbors shared their stash of gasoline with one another, instead of hoarding it all for themselves. Responses so unlike the worldly version of “self first”. People on our street we barely knew, we are now on a first name basis, as we all shared information and checked on each other for any needs to be met. 

And before the storm? We accidentally bought three boxes of protein bars at Costco. Thinking it will take a month of Sundays for us to eat all those. But they became a main source of nourishment for a few days of no electricity. Before the storm, I purchased over $200 of bible study books and got paid back in cash. What were we going to do with all this cash in the house? Well, the few stores that were operating would only accept cash. So we were able to purchase a few things to supplement our food supply while the power was still down.

God’s providence?

You bet.

i pray you don’t need a traumatic event to realize the hand of God moving in your life. I pray you aren’t afraid to lend a helping hand of your own, to check in on people, neighbor, friends… on ordinary days. I pray you aren’t hesitant to share. Believe in God’s provision and supply in every kind of circumstance. Both for you and through you.

May God’s “unworldly” kind of love be evident to all. In you and through you and for you.

My pastor nailed it on Sunday morning saying, “We may not have electricity here,  but we are full of power!” Amen!

Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship - a different kind of “sacrifice” - that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets. (Hebrews 13:16 MSG)

Friday, September 20, 2024

Where is that holy ground?

God replied, "Don't come any closer. Take off your sandals - the ground where you are standing is holy. (Exodus 3:5 CEV)

I remember preparing a Sunday School lesson about this: Moses and the Burning Bush. A familiar passage to many. Moses watching over the sheep. Typical day. Sees a bush burning - but not burning up. God calls out "Don't come any closer. Take off your sandals. You are standing on holy ground." Then God tells Moses he will be the one to free the Israelites from slavery.

I wondered what to focus on - to present to my young students. Holy ground jumped to mind. But seems like such a challenging subject in this day and age.

Back in the day, the church sanctuary felt like a holy ground place. I mean, there was a real reverence to walking in. You were cleaned up, you were more quiet. You treated that space so differently - than any other space.

I suppose I can talk about how we act differently in different places or occasions. Outside on the playground we can be loud and boisterous. But when called back into school, there are reminders of "inside voice" and "sit still". And I suppose I can talk about how we pray: eyes closed, head bowed down. Certainly fighting to be free of distractions. A "take off your shoes" kind of attitude. We don't do that talking to regular people. But God is holy.

I've heard that "holy" means - set apart. But it goes beyond that. There is an "otherness" to holy. Dedicated to God. Belonging to God. Of God.


I think it goes beyond behavior, how we act in a certain place, to realizing Who is there and Who it all belongs to. We need to be reminded of the awesomeness of Almighty God. Yes, He calls us friend. But we can't forget - the reverence due His name. There is a spiritual realm that is holy and should be treated as well... differently.

In Christ we are holy beings too. We are set apart. We also belong to God. All that we are belongs to God.

So the truth is - wherever God is - is holy ground. In you and all around you. You can't escape holiness. You can only ignore it. Wherever, whenever, we acknowledge His awesome, magnificient almighty present - becomes holy, set apart, something other ground. 

A walk through the woods?
Rocking a baby?
Just sitting and holding hands with a loved one?
The stars and the moon at night?
Slowly washing dishes and humming a favorite hymn?
God is everywhere.
So is holy ground.
How great, how great - is our God!

Monday, September 16, 2024

I give you peace

 I don’t talk all the time either, God…

Talk, talk, talking can be exhausting to me. I enjoy a little companionable silence. Just being in the same room with a loved one… a sense of not being alone and yet not having to engage and fill every moment. There is a comfort in that. A time of not wanting. A sense of okayness. Call it peace and rest.

So we shouldn’t panic when we don’t hear from God. Perhaps He is desiring us to trust - to feel that okayness in His presence. The Lord of it all. Who has promised to answer; fulfill it all - when the time is right. (Isaiah 60:22)

Does your “not doing” need to be filled with thoughts?

Do your prayers need to be filled with words?

Imagine gently rocking with a sleeping baby on your chest. Smell that infamous shampoo. Feel the rise and fall of that little body in its steady breathing. Examine the tiny fingers; the tiny nails. That baby feels safe and secure enough to rest there on you.

Are you absent from the baby’s life because you aren’t talking and giving? What you are giving is space for much needed down time. It needs a time of not doing. It needs the not needing. Just to rest in love. It restores and refreshes. God offers the same to you.

Fall is fast approaching. The beginnings of a “slow it down” season. Cups of apple cider and hot chocolate, fires aglow and crackling, favorite sweatshirts, kicking through the leaves...

We all talk about the simpler times of days gone by. Are they really gone? And if they aren’t, why aren’t we taking advantage of them?

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.   Matthew 11:28

I will give you rest. 

Are you taking it?

I believe the peace we seek is here and now. Many of us push it aside until “everything else is done”.

How long?

How long will you push peace aside? God is in favor of peace. God is in favor of rest. “Come to Me” He says, and you will find it. You can have it. Rest for your souls…

Truly, what are you waiting for?

What is worth more than the peace of Christ?

From the Message translation:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Join me in intercession for the poor


My first prayer is for those poor in relationship with You, Lord; for all who have heard Your truths, but remain in unbelief. For all those who are angry with You because You didn’t do what they wanted whether in their marriage, or finances, the saving of a loved one’s life or something else important to them. A prayer for those distracted by Satan’s lies. A prayer for those who knew You once, loved You, and walked in Your ways - but in the challenges and the pressures of this life - they have drifted and feel they have no time for You anymore. A prayer for those who have not heard Your truths - in homes and places where Your name is not spoken…

May all these hearts and souls begin seeking You to meet their needs of salvation, security, safety, purpose and rest. Lord, You should be the beaming light in the center of every heart. Teach us to radiate Your warm and welcoming brightness.

Are there people around us who keep You in a box, on a shelf, until Christmas or Easter? Help us to so live as Christmas morning delight / Easter morning joy people every day. May we not even need to seek these people out but may they be drawn to us by sensing Your divine countenance in and through us.

My second prayer is for those poor in relationship to others. For all those feeling dumped again… for all those treated as though they have no value. For all those believing it. For all who are overwhelmed by being poor physically or financially - so overwhelmed - they can’t take care of their spirit right now. O God, I pray for them. I pray a time of rest and ceasing so You can feed their soul and renew the strength they need. Refresh their frame of mind so they can nurture relationships with others. Lord, heal the severed connections of family and friends.

May they know You are their Help, their Strength, their Comfort…


May Your love, O Lord, arise.

Bubble up and over and spill unceasingly. 

Until all know that You are loving, caring, able God.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Happy Birthday! To someone you know


Do you often find yourself scrambling for a birthday card?
What if you could have a dozen on hand? (You can!)
How about a baker’s dozen? (Oh, yes, please!!)

This birthday card pack is available right now for $10.00. 
AND - how about a FREE list of suggested birthday messages to write inside?
A short but sweet message, in your own handwriting, expresses the love and care you really mean…

Did you know this can also be a great gift for someone you know? Maybe someone who can’t get out to the store whenever they want…

Just email me with your BIRTHDAY PACK request and be sure to include your mailing address.

Send a check (or PayPal or Venmo) to:
Julie Crane
121 Popular Circle
McCormick SC 29835


There are so many more designs offering encouragement, inspiration, and well wishes - and all orders come with suggested messages to write. Come and take a look!

Click on the link below for easy access to the card shop:

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dark nights

I was driving along in the dark. Where I live, there are many wooded areas with no streetlights. I have to rely on the only light I have - headlights. They show me what’s up ahead.

I think about the trust and security I place on those headlights. Oh, I can’t imagine trying to navigate down a dark road without them! As I go along, they go along ahead of me. When I turn my car, the light turns with me. Continually lighting my way. Warning me about debris in the road or deer standing along the edge wanting to cross over. 

I think about rainy nights when roads become wet or even flooded.

I think about snowy nights when roads become slippery or too deep for travel.

And country roads where there may be many curves and hairpin turns.

A lot of different road conditions. Seeing and being aware of obstacles, dangers - as well as beauty - are all made evident by having light go before me. Whether it be headlights at night or sunlight during the day.

Life is often compared to a road or a journey. Twists and turns. Darkness and rain. And again, I can’t imagine trying to navigate without a Light. His Light. God promises to show us the way. God promises to go before us. Continually - just like my headlights. God shines lights of warnings and dangers. God shines light so you can live in trust and security along the way. God’s light will lead you through. 

Are you on a dark road? A dark, wet road? A dark, wet, AND curvy road?!!!

Turn on your God light. He will keep you safe. Wherever you go, God goes before you. God lights up the next step and then the next. His promise.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths. I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. (Isaiah 42:16)

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. (Psalm 18:28)

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life. (Psalm 143:8)