Wednesday, February 26, 2014

More Power

I often read my bible in the mornings. The NIV version is what I have. But sometimes a phrase will catch my eye and I want to see how it is written in other versions. We are fortunate that we can just jump onto the computer and with a stroke of a key or two, many various translations pop up on the screen. So this morning, I was reading about John preparing the way in Luke 3. Verse 16:

(NIV) …. But someone more powerful than I will come…
(LB) … someone is coming soon who has far higher authority than mine…
(AMP)… He Who is mightier than I is coming…
(GNB)… someone who is much greater than I…
(NLT)… someone who is greater, so much greater…

You get the idea? You read that same phrase, that same concept over and over and it starts to settle down in your mind. It starts to take root. What wonderful good news these few little words bring! And I am reminded of a song that proclaims: Hallelujah! He is coming! Hallelujah! He is here!

Further along in today’s reading, I find Jesus healing many. Look up Luke 4:36 and find even more hope:

With authority and power He gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!

The Message says it like this: Someone whose words make things happen. Someone who orders demonic spirits to get out and they go!

You got demons? You got bad habits, bad attitudes, bad defaults that you just can’t shake? Feeling chained, bound, unable to change? Read the words of Luke 3:16 and 4:36 again proclaiming the power of Jesus. And He’s the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I can't, but...

God doesn’t need us. Yes, you read that right. God doesn’t need us to accomplish His plans. He doesn’t need us using our finite minds and limited skills and abilities. God uses us when we come to the end of ourselves and the only wisdom and strength left available to draw from is His. Is this when we usually throw in the towel and quit? Is this when we draw the line and say, “I can’t.”? Is this when we stop… right when God was going to pick up the ball? How many times have we missed that victorious moment because we quit – just when things were going to get good. Have you thrown your hands up in surrender – only to focus on the doom and gloom of your exasperation? God, the Father, loves you. Jesus, His Son, has rescued you from sin, death and the devil and brings you His peace. And His Spirit has arrived on the scene to bring you wisdom and strength. Surrender. Surrender in the knowledge that God has got you covered. His best will show up for you. Rest in that belief – God shows up. Instead of facing a challenge with, “I can’t.”… say, “I can’t on my own, but God is here and He will be my Strength.”

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Building Memories with God

You ever pray for something, like strength to beat a temptation or to overcome a bad habit or to get through a long-term challenge…? And it seems like God has answered - because for awhile, you are strong enough. But here comes a brand new day (or maybe it didn’t even last that long) and your strength and focus is waning. What? Do I have to pray for the same thing again?

I am reminded of a joke: this man and woman went to a marriage counselor and the woman remarked, “My husband never tells me he loves me!” When the counselor questioned him about it, he responded, “I told her I loved her the day we got married. If anything changes, I’ll let her know.”

Now I know none of us would appreciate that kind of relationship! We all like to have others be continually nurturing, sharing good feelings and kind words of love and appreciation. Right?

“Honey, will you help me with this?” “Mom, can you help me with that?” Yes, it gives us purpose and a warm fuzzy when somebody wants us. I was just thinking about a family that gathers together annually to bake Christmas cookies. Young and old, together they pitch in. Together they work through the recipe and the decorating (and the eating!). There’s something about coming together that is more warm and wonderful than being shown how to do something one time… and then you are on your own! No fun! No connection! No laughing and sharing and creating memories to share later on when you need a fond memory to carry you through; give you hope for tomorrow. And let’s not put relationships on hold until Christmas! Goodness, no! Let’s come together often – in love, support, in living, journeying alongside. Hand in hand, right?

And God is just asking for the same. Walk with Him as well. Talk with Him as well. Build memories with Him. To carry you through; giving hope for tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Victory in the Lord

Have you ever watched a tightrope act? The person moves forward and back, slowly, a couple steps quickly, stops to regain balance… a step back, three steps forward. Eyes on the goal before him. Wobbling from time to time (much to our distress!) Until he reaches the end… We cheer and breathe a sigh of relief! He made it! He made it!

Sometimes my life seems to be moving like that. From the person I was - to the person I was meant to be. Moving right along. Then maybe a little backsliding. Wobbling. Lots of wobbling! Trying to keep my eyes on the goal.

Each step (choice) forward is a step away from the person (character) I used to be (before the desire to live for my Lord). Too much backsliding causes me to retreat from the Christlike person I am meant to be – back into old habits and old beliefs. But with each step forward, I am being drawn into the habits and behaviors and character of Christ. It can also be thought of as one end being curses and one end being blessings. Forward / good choices bring us towards a life of blessings, while backward steps draws us back into opportunities for distress and curses.  

Where are you? Stepping forward? Backward? Wobbling? Creating times of distress or health and goodness? Stop to regain your balance! Keep your eyes on the goal before you. And know that with Christ, you will get to the desired end. (cheers, applause, victory!)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love - past, present, future

I want to love my spouse the way my friends who have lost spouses still carry love for them. There is something deep and rich and strong in the love they express in remembering their lost one. Sharing memories and times gone by. Little tiny things that at the time didn’t mean much, some quirky little habit maybe… but forever burned into their hearts and bringing tears where there were none before.

So often, we humans slip into these day-by-day “ruts”, where precious times of living together as a couple seem so ordinary, so taken for granted. But the days they are a-passin’…. And today seems like the perfect day to celebrate those things that may not appear so precious and cherishable right now, but are insurmountable in value once they are gone. Gone, but not forever.

Like getting into bed together at night and snuggling and soft whispers. Dinner in front of the TV. Sitting side by side in church (I miss that). Rooting for your favorite team. Sitting in campchairs reading in the backyard. Touching hands as you both dive into the popcorn bowl. That quick goodbye kiss every morning. Hearing the car pull in the driveway at night. A wink and a smile from across the room…

Today I’m thanking God for all those seemingly insignificant moments. I want to think and list and hold each precious loving thought. And be grateful I got the chance to have a life that included all that. Loving marital experiences that have passed but not forgotten.  And thankful for God’s plan to have us reunited in heaven. It’s been but a foretaste of the love feast to come. Thanks for the preview of coming attractions!

Love you, babe…

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Darkness and Light

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads over Egypt—darkness that can be felt.”  So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days.  No one could see anyone else or move about for three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where they lived. – Exodus 10:21-23

There have been times when I’ve tried to commit to reading “X” number of chapters in the Bible every day. I understand the importance of reading things in context and not just going to favorite passages all the time. But then I come across a verse that stops me in my tracks. If I’m so focused on getting my “assignment” done, I miss out on what I truly seek: “God, speak to me.”

Such was the case with today’s reading. Here I find a world of people caught in deepest darkness and unable to control or escape it. If you watch the evening news, it’s not hard to imagine days of doom and gloom and fear. Yet God’s children, the Israelites, had light in the places where they lived. Now just think about that a minute. God’s children (like you and me) had light (hope, good news, freedom from deep dark fear) in whatever place (circumstances) they lived. Life without the knowledge of Christ’s presence must surely be dark and dank. But knowledge in your heart of His constant power, love, presence… well, now… doesn’t that ease your troubled mind? Thanks be to God for His mercy and grace to His children (you and me).

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Sock Story

 I’ve always been intimidated by the prospect of knitting socks. After all, sock yarn is much thinner than regular yarn, the needles are much smaller too and they are double-pointed (stitches are capable of sliding off both ends!), and working with four needles at one time – each one sticking out in a different direction looked so cumbersome. So I steered clear even though I longed to make some pretty knitted socks. But this winter, I knew I would have time on my hands, so I accepted the challenge!

And challenge it was! Whatever could go wrong, did go wrong. Wrong size needles, not the right amount of stitches, dropped stitches, lost my place in the pattern, too loose, too tight – you name it. I started over… and over… and over again. The yarn actually got thinner because I was wearing it out with my starting over. I said to myself, “Give up. You’re good at other things.” Naturally, the first or second (even third) time you start over, it is disappointing. But the 10th time? And more? But what I discovered is priceless:

No matter how many mistakes I made, God brought it to completion.
Despite the numerous mistakes, I made progress.

Beginning a sock became much easier. What challenged me the first few times – I could now breeze right through. Then working on the pattern changes for the heel, at first so confusing to read, became so clear. The toe of the sock I actually only did twice.

The sock pictured is start number twelve. I kid you not. But I am so proud and can’t wait to begin the other one so I can wear the set.

Growing weary of all the mistakes you’ve made (or continue to make?). Learn from me. Just try again. Some of it will become easier. And you keep at it, and more and more will become smoother and make more sense. God brings things to completion. (Phil. 1:6)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Enter and be Safe

 Lord, how I love you! For you have done such tremendous things for me.
The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me in and slay me. He is a rugged mountain where I hide; he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me, and a tower of safety. He is my shield. He is like the strong horn of a mighty fighting bull. (Ps. 18:1-2 LB)

Have you been battling? Trying and trying and trying… Are you exhausted? Temptations still hounding you? The Lord is the place to rest and be safe while you take time to recover from your efforts. Yes, He watches over you. Yes, He guards and protects His own. And He can be quite aggressive about protecting His own. I’ve heard it said He would move heaven and earth for you. Now, isn’t that something?

I like reading different translations of the Bible. This Living Bible version really struck a cord with me this morning.  Phrases that caught my eye: where I can enter… no one can follow me in… he is my Savior… a tower of safety… When I’m feeling beat, it’s wonderful to know Someone’s got my back so I can rest and regroup and rethink. There is a peace and a confidence that comes from that, even though circumstances may not have changed yet. It’s not over. He is my Shield and also my Guide. He is my Protector, seeing me through. Thanks be to God!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Questioning Prayer

O Lord, I am seeking answers where they can not be found. Forgive my lack of intentional focus on You. You are my God. Time and time again I seem to fail, to fall short of what I am supposed to do and be. There seems to be no strength in me at all. Why can’t I do this? Why is it the harder I try, the harder I fall? Even when I pray, even when I cry out, why do I still sometimes fall? What am I missing here? What am I not understanding? Why all this anxiety, O my soul, when you confess to know the living Lord? Shouldn’t I be at peace? Shouldn’t every little bump in the road cause me to turn to Jesus in confidence? Why so little faith when I am known by the King? The KING OF ALL, no less. Should not a blanket of security fall upon me, should not I be in a constant state of praise for the One Who blankets me? Why doesn’t prayer always work? Too much focus on the problem instead of the God of my present. “”Grab” a bible verse and cling to it. Repeat it over and over – franctically, slowly, in bits and pieces… and tell yourself you believe it. Tell yourself you know it to be true. Until each word or phrase is “spoken” with your very breath. Let the words wash over you and calm you down. And do this, as often as you need of it, in remembrance of Him. Lord. Savior. Yours.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
 do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
 I will strengthen you and help you;
 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
-         Is. 41:10