Saturday, June 22, 2013

There is a way out

 Been tempted? Whether it’s trying to resist a decadent bakery treat or talking yourself out of exercise, or trying to hold your tongue… we all struggle with temptations. And have you struggled even though you prayed for strength? Oh yeah.  “Please, please, please, Lord, help me not to cave in this time.” You plead with God. Yet somehow, it happens. For whatever reason, you do cave in… ugh.

But sometimes, I don’t cave in. I don’t let angry words fly out of my mouth. I walk away from the ice cream midnight snack. Because, sometimes, I remember to praise God for how good He is. In my prayer, instead of asking, I remind myself by saying, “God You are always good. You always hear my prayers. You always care about what’s going on in my life. God, You always know what to do. God loves me and I am one of His wonderful works. God has plans, good plans for my life. God says I am created to be new in Christ so that I can do good things He planned long ago. Yes. You recognize some of these biblical truths. In your prayers, start remembering and praising God in these truths and repeat, repeat – until you convince yourself these are your truths.

It’s hard to remember. It’s hard to recall, I know. One thing I started doing several years ago, was to write down on a slip of paper moments when I sensed God really there for me. Times when prayers were answered. Times when I experienced Him and His power turning me away from a temptation. Times in prayer or in worship or in nature when I fully sensed His presence. Then, I slip these pieces of paper randomly in my bible. Thumbing through my bible, you’ll find all kinds of testimonies of God’s great love and provision and sustaining and presence. Remembering Him makes us strong.

·        I wish the best in life for you! Keeping you in prayer.

·        Lean into God – He is a wonderful support.

·        He can move the mountains! He is mighty to save!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Why not? And why not for me?

 Sometimes we’re just too hard on ourselves. Well, aren’t we? Don’t we take life too seriously and miss out on… a lot. Social media was filled with well-wishes this past Father’s Day – and words of wisdom regarding taking the time to enjoy your kids. Man, they grow up fast!

And we waited all winter long for some warm summer days. Now that they’re here, are we enjoying them?… because like kids, they’ll be gone before we know it as well. Now is the time to say, “Why not?” and do something fun and wonderful and totally enjoyable. Don’t be distracted by what others might think. For once in your life, say, “I don't care what others might think?”

Just do it! – because it gives you pleasure. We all need to take breaks from the worries and wonders and full-plates. It’s okay to set it all down for a time – trust me, it’ll all be right there for you to pick back up again. Take some time to imagine and dream and picture that fun-time you could have on your dayplanner. Dream it in full color and full detail until you can almost taste it. Then go after it! Go! It’s okay to have some fun. It’s okay to enjoy your life. You have God's permission to enjoy some abundant life. You need to step away from the daily routine. Sift through the sand. Play badminton. Splash in the water. Toss a Frisbee and make a goofy stretch to try and catch it! Laugh out loud. Tickle someone. Nuzzle. Blow bubbles.  Eat ribs and corn on the cob with your hands. It’s summertime! Look forward to something. Get it on your calendar. Something fun. It’s good for your health. It’s good for your soul. Grab some good! You can make the time. You can.

·        Wishing you an easy-breezy summer day!

·        You deserve a break today!

·        Live… Laugh… Love. My wishes for you!


p.s. (thanks to M.B. for inspiration!)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Enjoying the view

Raindrops dripping off the leaves. A chorus of birds calling, chirping, singing. Squirrels in a mad chase across the lawn. A light goes on in a neighbor’s kitchen window. The sky slowly lightening as the day begins.

Who told the leaves to pop out in glorious full, green foliage in May and not March?

Who caused the ripples in the river to tip at just the right angle as to catch the sun’s rays and sparkle like diamonds?

Who cracked open those tiny, hard, little seeds we planted in our garden and now there’s green plants making their way through the black dirt?

Who told the robins to look for worms after a rain?

Is it anything less than miraculous?

Whether your view is of a woods full of trees, or sandy lakeside, or a tree-lined neighborhood – even as you look around your own room with your own creature comforts all around you that make it home to you… stop and wonder at the things you call beautiful …how did you end up with such a treasureable sight…?

Maybe today’s the day you write God a little note.

·        I love You, Lord, with all my heart

·        Thank You, Lord, for making everything beautiful in its time

·        Lord, there is none like You



Monday, June 10, 2013

Peace... today

 When does thinking, planning and struggling to figure out – turn into worry? When you start to believe there is no good solution or outcome. Which really boils down to not believing in God’s promise for a good and perfect plan / will for you. (Jere. 29:11)

When God says do not worry about tomorrow (Matt. 6:34), He’s talking about any future piece of time. Tomorrow. This afternoon, even an hour from now. He will still be with you. “I will not forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5) Ever.

I jot down “to-do” things that I don’t want to forget. There are things on my mind when I first get up about what needs to get done. Like getting a birthday card mailed out on time. Or planning an evening meal (again!) and wondering what I have on hand that might prove interesting. Or preparing an agenda for a meeting and contemplating over a serious topic that has been challenging – but needs to have a vote. Each one of these examples can turn into varying degrees of worry. We can easily become distracted by all the “what-ifs”. But anxiety empties our “present” of its peace. My “present” can be ruined by “supposing the card doesn’t get delivered on time”, or spinning my wheels wondering if my husband will like the concoction I threw together for dinner. I can stir up a lot of anxiety acid in my stomach dwelling over the possible direction and tone of a discussion and vote.

Or, I can believe that God is good and God is with us and God will not forsake us. Ever. He can see what I can not. No matter what “what-ifs” we can dream up, God has in His hand for you and for me – that good solution or outcome. I can believe He has goodness in His heart. And… already… my breathing has slowed down and I am restored to the peace of His presence – in my “present”. And I smile in gratitude.

·        God promises to take care (1 Peter 5:7)

·        His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches over me / you

·        “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” – Is. 41:10

Friday, June 7, 2013

Live! And in person!

 Someone mentioned the other day about sitting at an outdoor cafĂ© - sun shining, fresh air, fragrant coffee, green trees and plants and flowers and clouds and … and she looked up to see everyone with their nose in their phone. Missing out on all that beauty!

Which reminded me of times when I’ve been going down the road and have seen doe and fawns, or turkeys, or some other amazing wonder. And I thought about people who have missed out on that unexpected beauty because they were texting on their phone instead being in the present and enjoying all that is around them.

Which led me to think about the days long ago when I took little ones to the zoo. Always a controversy about having wild animals caged up like that. But seriously, without a zoo – many, many children would never see a Siberian tiger or polar bear or peacock. Without an effort being made to bring the live animals to them, they would only know a small, still photo, or animated version of the real thing.

Which led me to consider the ways we need to bring Jesus to our world. Alive. If we only hand people a book, a photo, even animation, or snippets of bible verses  – it all falls so short of the “real thing” – you’ve heard all the familiar expressions before: Jesus with skin on, or, the hands and feet of Jesus. Remember the story in Acts 8 about Philip and the Ethiopian - "How can I (understand) unless someone  (takes the time to)explain it to me?"
I’ll bet you can think of someone right now who needs to feel the living, present love of Jesus. A hug. A smile. A little one-on-one conversation. A little hand holding. We sing it at Eastertime… Jesus is alive! Let’s make an effort to live it out for someone today.

·        What a difference you’ve made in my life!

·        I can’t believe we’ve waited so long to get together! Let’s do this again real soon!

·        I always enjoy visiting with you



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Comfort, comfort my people

When I first hear the word “comforter” – I think of the “blanket” I like to snuggle up with when I’m feeling poorly – physically or emotionally. Yeah, like a little kid… all warm and cozy. Comfortable. Safe. A place where you can just  BE. You don’t have to be happy-go-lucky. You just snuggle down and can even pull the blanket over your head. It’s acceptable. The sign is out: I’m not feeling good.

There’s another use of the word “comforter” that really isn’t that much different.

I was with a small group of trusted friends, and shared something I was challenged, struggling, troubled by – and I looked around and saw several heads nodding in agreement. And they had insightful comments. They could relate. They knew what I was experiencing. They had been there. They were beside me. I was being heard. And understood. What a beautiful, beautiful gift. Not feeling “good” and being accepted. Safe.

You’d be hard-pressed nowdays, to find someone whose life has not been touched by the trauma of cancer. But back in the early days of its discovery, can you imagine the fear – and the loneliness – of having to experience that without someone else coming along side and saying “I know…” ? And even when you aren’t quite sure what to say, it is very supportive to reflect back the emotion you hear in that person’s voice: “You sound frustrated”, “It sounds like a very anxious time”, “You sound tired of all the added pressure”. Whether it’s a small group discussion, or an AA meeting, or a cancer support group, or mothers of toddlers group, or a grief support … there is comfort in knowing someone else, on some level, has suffered as you are now. And understands.

We often wonder why we have to suffer. Well, just think of a time when you were suffering and found someone nodding their head in compassion and understanding. What a beautiful, beautiful gift, right?

 Paul, in the second letter to the Corinthians tells us about God being the God of all comfort – who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. (2 Corin.1:3-4). God. I wrote a note to myself in the margin of my bible: if you don’t need big, and don’t ask big… then you don’t need divine intervention. God is still the answer. And we comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

·        Praying right along with you through this situation

·        God will see you through. I am here for you too!

·        Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.